Practice helpfulness, openness and humility. Christ and His followers were common men, associated with laborers, helped outcast such as lepers, and brought hope to other ostracized members of society. They lived on
the road, often without a roof over their heads, and spent much of their
time in learning, quiet contemplation and preparing to take The Good News to all. While you don't necessarily need to hit the highway and
live like a minister, a full time disciple, student or missionary to
follow Jesus, it's important to know that you also don't need to be a
person of wealth, status, speaking skills or other achievement. God uses
the basics, the truth -- simple words and messengers. The less
self-centered trappings of the material world, the less distracted
you'll be from your message of Jesus: the way, truth and the life. When
Jesus says I am the way He is talking about in Heaven. you have to call
on Him to forgive you to make it to Heaven.
- Take little steps. Simplify your life,
You don't need to adopt a life as a mission or join a ministry team as a
minister, necessarily--but get a Bible and study Christ and the Acts of
the Apostles and the writings of Paul (much of the New Testament).
Instead of entertaining or watching television in the evening,
- A common area to work on among Christians, in/of religious traditions, can be laying aside self-righteousness, not showing vanity. Followers of Jesus shouldn't feel proud of their humility, or boast of their "spiritual" life. As a follower of Christ, focus, and center your life -- but not because it makes you feel "better than" others: You may choose how to follow because it gets you "closer to" God and to appreciating other believers more, "God's family"; you are one of Jesus' brothers and sisters, "joint-heirs with Jesus Christ"
Our God is faithful to us..